Ni welwn ben ein siwrnai

(Y llwythau yn esgyn i'r ŵyl)
Ni welwn ben ein siwrnai;
  Aeth miloedd yn y blaen,
Ar hyd prif ffordd y Brenin,
  Trwy ganol dŵr a thân;
Mae adsain yn ein clustiau
  O ryw aneirif lu
Yn chware'u haur delynau
  O fewn i Seion fry.

Mae Salem heb ei llanw,
  Mae'n rhaid cael llwythau 'nghyd,
Pob rhyw ac iaith o bobl
  O bedwar gwynt y byd;
Daw tlodion, ac efryddion,
  A gwywedigion gwan,
Finteioedd heb eu rhifo,
  I Seion yn y man.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Heol y Bont (<1825)
Ramah (J D Jones 1827-70)

gwelir: Mae Salem heb ei llanw

(The tribes going up for the festival)
We see the end of our journey;
  Thousands went before,
Along the King's highway,
  Through the midst of water and fire;
The echo is in our ears
  Of some innumerable host
Playing their golden harps
  Within Zion above.

Salem is unfilled,
  There is need to get tribes together,
Every sort and language of people
  From the four winds of the world;
Poor ones shall come, and lame ones,
  And weak withered ones,
Hoards without their being numbered,
  To Zion soon.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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